Sunday, May 20, 2012

Long weekend in Iowa

This past weekend (starting on Thursday) my mom, dad, sister, and I made the long trek out to Sioux Center, Iowa for two beautiful weddings! On Friday night Cassie's old roommate got married. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in a room full of people I didn't know. It was a fun, down to earth, family-centered reception. The couple was adorable and so happy! This is what we wore (please excuse the cheesy hotel mirror picture).

The next wedding (on Saturday) was my beautiful cousin Whitney. Talk about family time! We rarely get to see that side so it was nice to hang out with them and celebrate. Her reception was beach themed--very pretty! Her DJ was awesome, everyone was dancing all night! And here's our semi acceptable outfit picture....don't sister is weird about art. 

Me and my hottt date for the whole weekend :) 

And now after riding for what seems like days (really only 11 or so hours) we are finally home. Hitting the pavement running tomorrow; working all week (all firsts!) and the countdown begins to when I get to see Andy for Memorial weekend! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Andy + Annie

Through thick and thin. Good times and bad times. Through sorrow and joy. These are just some of the things that I will be promising to a wonderful man [in 404 short days]. 
I can honestly say that having a friendship and then a relationship with Andy have been the best years of my life. He brings so much joy to me and God has blessed me so much with Andy. Our relationship isn't perfect. We've definitely had our fair share good times and bad times and I'm sure there's more of both to come. 

A few of my favorite things about Andy in no particular order:
-Between my extreme dislike of touchy-feely-ness and his love of touchy-feely-ness we look like an acceptable couple out in public. 
-He always texts me good morning--even when he's up at ridiculous hours to study. 
-His determination to finish school. He went through a lot this past year right now all I can say about that is wow, that man is amazing. 
-He tries really hard to appease my OCD-ness and keeps his apartment and car pretty clean. 
-He is ALWAYS making me laugh. Andy can make approximately 50583 different noises with his mouth and it's pretty hilarious. 
-Andy is one of the most chill (& patient) person I've ever met and in that way we balance very well. 

Like I said I am a very very lucky girl. I could go on and on about my favorite things about Andy. Forever with Andy cannot come soon enough.